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the New New Hampshire Avenue

Holton Lane Improvements

Holton Lane is a City street with the scale and 'bones' of a great community center. With many attractive buildings, US Post Office, and plenty of parking, the City is working with businesses and properties owners to make it more than what it is today.

The City produced A Vision for Holton Lane in 2009 with design guidelines for storefront and streetscape improvements. Subsequent streetscape improvements on Holton Lane were completed, adding street lighting with colorful banners, new street furniture, and landscaping. A green and inviting entrance to Holton Lane at New Hampshire Avenue was created that enhanced pedestrian safety at the intersection and provided a new stormwater infiltration facility. In 2015, new landscaping was installed in the only public space in the Takoma/Langley Crossroads area, an overgrown strip of land along the west side of New Hampshire Avenue extending north from Holton Lane, a.k.a. the "Crossroads Green Space".

Crossroads Green Space

A community meeting was held on November 20, 2014 to gather ideas for transforming the space into an inviting neighborhood asset. Meeting participants discussed design precedents for lighting, seating, public art, and environmental features. Based on public input, the goals for the space are to:

  • Improve feeling of safety and comfort for pedestrians and transit users (lighting, seating, etc.)
  • Dissuade sleeping or camping
  • Engage passersby with public art that defines the entrance to Takoma Park and the Crossroads
  • Retain natural features with a low maintenance burden

A celebration for the first phase of the Crossroads Green Space improvements occurred on July 28, 2015. Neighbors came out to meet and enjoy the space, offering suggestions for ongoing improvements to the area. Complete this short survey for City planners to help guide future installations of public art, educational signage, and unique seating in the Crossroads Green Space.

Stay tuned for more updates!